About Me

温国辉,男,生于1977年,斜杠”中年”,曾经开过电脑公司,技术起家。背包客、自由业者、户外活动教练、会计员、经理、社会活跃人士、政治工作者、街头艺人、数码媒体设计师、私人助理等等,这些都是他人生上半场的履历。 他的人生经历如过山车,知他者谓他心忧,不知他者谓他何求? 悠悠半生,高不成低不就,又逢中年危机,从“不忘初心方的始终”这句俗话中他领悟,唯有奋发图强,突破自我才能冲出困境,走向辉煌。 读万卷书,不如行百里路,他决定向世界出发,自驾环球,好好欣赏“地球”这个上帝的美好造物。 同时,他也希望这个行动能够激发更多人,去完成自己的梦想。也希望通过文化交流把砂拉越他的家乡和马来西亚带给全世界。 当然,更多的是,向全世界散播友谊的种子……

Jack Voon, born in 1977, is a man of many talents. He has worn various hats throughout his life: IT company owner, tech enthusiast, backpacker, outdoor activity instructor, accountant, manager, social activist, political worker, street artist, digital media designer, personal assistant and etc. These diverse roles make up the first half of his life. His life journey has been akin to a roller coaster—known to some as a worrier, an enigma to others. Having traversed the ups and downs, he finds himself at a midlife crossroads. Inspired by the adage “never forget your original intention,” he believes that only by striving for excellence and pushing beyond personal limits can one break free from adversity and move toward greatness. In his pursuit of knowledge, he has discovered that practical experience often surpasses theoretical learning. With this in mind, he embarks on a global adventure, driving around the world to appreciate the beauty of our planet—a creation of God. Simultaneously, he hopes his journey will ignite the dreams of others, encouraging them to fulfil their aspirations. Through cultural exchange, he aims to introduce his homeland of Sarawak and Malaysia to the world. And above all, he sows the seeds of friendship across the globe…